Generate detailed proposals and contracts with Wethos AI

AI is here to help freelancers and small agencies move faster and make smarter decisions with confidence. Write better, more accurate scopes of work and contract terms with the limitless power of AI, right inside of Wethos.


Tell us what your client needs and let Wethos AI write your proposal and contract for you ✨


Create accurate proposals with the click of a button, no matter your niche.

Why download yet another AI tool when you can have it integrated into your all-in-one place you manage your business? It’s as easy as a click on Wethos.


Use an expert copilot that writes contracts customized for you.

Tired of paying expensive lawyer fees? Us too. Now you can have AI create custom contract terms for your specific project needs, so you can confidently stay protected on projects and proposals.


Automate proposal payment schedules with a few clicks.

Streamline your processes and get paid before you start work with deposits built into your proposals. Automatically generate an invoice upon acceptance to optimize your proposal to payments flow.


Tools to maximize your success.

Compare your prices.

Check out our proposal pricing calculator to see how your rates compare to other freelancers and creative studios in the market.

Generate AI proposal.

See the power of AI-powered proposals created in seconds for your specific project needs leveraging Wethos AI.