Independent doesn’t mean alone.

Explore collaborative features to work with friends on larger projects, manage your profitability, send peer-to-peer payments, and expand your network. As former freelancers, we know the bigger your network the more opportunities that come your way. That’s why we built Wethos with community at the heart of it.

Expand Your Network.

The bigger the network the more opportunities that come your way. Discover new collaborators to learn from and work with in the Wethos community.

Team Up with Others.

Invite teammates into your account or on a project-by-project basis to reference the goals and proposal details. Stop creating duplicative briefs and instead use Wethos as your co-pilot.

Share the workload with collaborative templates and documents.

Don’t take on everything yourself. Empower your team to edit project proposals or send invoices on your behalf, ensuring consistency and instant visibility team-wide.

Maximize Your Project Profitability.

Have full control over your cashflow and available budget when you add in a target margin, your pay, and teammate costs.

See how others team up on Wethos 🤝

Questions about Wethos Teams

  • Wethos gives users full access to network features to expand your network and work with other freelancers on projects. The Wethos network includes:

    • Unlimited access to profiles shared by other freelancers and small studios within Wethos

    • Ability to see availability, past work and budget preferences on individual’s profiles

    • Invite to project capabilities to brief teammates on project proposals and goals

    • Free, instant payouts to contractors for work completed on projects

    • Easy budget tracking including target margins, your pay and contractor costs

    • A free business bank account with no fees or minimums

  • Wethos Teams is best suited for small studios and agencies to hire contractors. Full-time freelancers and part-time freelancers can also get hired through the network for new projects from peers.

  • Wethos Starter is free and is best for part-time freelancers. Wethos Pro costs only $15/month, or $12/month if you sign up annually, giving you a 20% discount. With Wethos Pro, you’re able to create unlimited projects and contact other Pro users in the community.

  • With Wethos’ profitability graph, you’re able to instantly calculate your project profit while understanding what’s allocated vs what’s outstanding.

  • With a Wethos Payments Account, book transfers are instant with no fees (0%) to other Wethos Payments Account holders.