Pricing Strategy Proposal Template

Pitch your next pricing strategy proposal with confidence with this fully customizable scope of work template that includes project phases, detailed services, and recommended pricing, so you can get to “yes” more quickly.


Pricing Strategy Proposal Template


Freelance consultants can offer a range of services that contribute to a company’s business success. One of those services is pricing strategy. Pricing strategy consulting involves helping companies figure out the most profitable price for their products and help them improve ROI. Before you send your next consulting proposal, check out our Pricing Strategy Proposal template to figure out how much to charge for your pricing services.

Our Pricing Strategy Proposal template outlines four project phases with a full breakdown of services, from conducting customer research interviews to analyzing market opportunities to collecting product feedback. The scope template also includes pricing recommendations powered by crowdsourced pricing data from over 50,000 other freelancers.

This template is fully customizable and editable – no locked files to download. Simply start editing and tailor your scope of work to align with your project requirements. Once customized, seamlessly share it with your client for approval and signature. It's that simple.

Included in this scope template:

✓ Recommended overall price for a pricing strategy project based on crowdsourced data from over 50,000 freelancers

✓ Detailed breakdown of four phases and services to include in a pricing strategy project

✓ Edit and customize the scope of work template as needed to fit your project and client needs

✓ Turn a scope into a proposal for client sign-off in just a few clicks


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Pricing strategy consulting is an independent service that helps companies and organizations of all sizes determine a profitable pricing model for their business. As a consultant, you offer deep expertise in business strategy that companies can leverage in order to reach their profit and revenue goals.

    Pricing strategy consulting services can include anything from researching audience personas to developing questionnaires for customer interviews to conducting user testing. No matter how you choose to conduct research and analysis, the main component of pricing strategy consulting is compiling and proposing a set of pricing tiers for your client to use.

    Before you send out your next pricing strategy proposal, leverage our Pricing Strategy Consulting Proposal template to help you price and pitch your next consulting project.

  • What you choose to include in your pricing strategy proposal depends on several factors. For starters, do you have specific expertise in one area of pricing strategy over another? For instance, are customer surveys and interviews in your wheelhouse? Or are you more analytical and thrive with reporting A/B testing results?

    Another consideration is how much pre-work and post-work you choose to do. As mentioned, your pre-work should include market research, but how you conduct that research is up to you. You could choose to conduct customer interviews and distribute surveys or leave that up to the client’s team. The same goes with reporting — you can include post-launch reporting as part of your proposal or hand that off to your client as you wrap up.

    As you put together your pricing strategy consulting proposal, it’s helpful to break down your deliverables into phases and individual services. Not only does this help you organize the project, but it also gives potential clients a clear understanding of what they will receive from you.

    To get an idea of how other consultants structure their pricing strategy services, refer to our Pricing Strategy Proposal template. The community-sourced template breaks down the scope into four key phases:

    1. Research & Discovery

    2. Pricing Tiers

    3. Testing

    4. Launch & Reporting

    Each phase incorporates a variety of customizable services that contribute to the overall consulting project. When you use this template, you can use this scope as is or adjust the services and prices to fit your project’s needs.

  • How much you charge for pricing strategy consulting depends on the project's scope, the client’s size and industry, and more. A few factors to consider when figuring out your own rate include the complexity of the pricing strategy, the amount of preliminary work required, and whether you plan to offer additional services such as a KPI and growth report.

    Knowing how to price your services is one of the most challenging aspects of freelancing. With our Pricing Strategy Proposal template, you not only gain access to a detailed breakdown of services but also recommended prices for each. These pricing recommendations are derived from crowdsourced data collected from over 50,000 freelancers, ensuring accuracy and competitiveness.

    Use the Pricing Strategy Proposal template to access pricing recommendations and customize your next pricing strategy consulting agreement.

  • Once you’ve checked out Wethos’ Pricing Strategy Proposal template, edit the phases, services, and prices however your project requires. When all looks good, save that scope of work to your library by creating your Wethos account. After you’ve created a scope, you can go on and add contract terms, send proposals for client signature, create an invoice, and get paid! 🤑


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