What is your entrepreneurial personality type?

what is your entrepreneurial personality type

If you often consult your horoscope or Meyers Briggs type to guide you through life, you’ve come to the right place. Personality typing can be energizing for entrepreneurs as you reflect on your current business and look for new ways to expand on your own or with others.

After digging into data for the tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, small studios, and agencies who use Wethos, our research revealed some patterns. Founders tend to fall into one of four groups: the growth-minded Fearless Founder, the considerate Thoughtful Thinker, the energetic Enthusiastic Entrepreneur, and the extraverted Creative Collaborator.

Take the quiz below to discover your type. We’ll assess your skills, interests, and business goals to give you tips for using your personality to continue to grow your business.

The Fearless Founder

fearless founder personality type

Fork in the road? Forget about it, fearless founders make their own path. You’ve clearly come prepared for the unknown. Not one to avoid risk, this entrepreneur type takes chances to pursue their most passionate business ideas without hesitation. 

These founders make their own opportunities. Their gifts lie in carving out niches and finding innovative solutions to problems like integrating the latest technologies into their business. And all that hard work and hustle gives them an edge. But while heart and intuition may guide them, these founders should dive into the numbers for a dose of devil’s advocacy. The best ideas might not be the most lucrative.

The Thoughtful Thinker

thoughtful thinker personality type

Hold on, let’s overthink this. No loose strings or stray decimals in this founder’s world. Everything is in its place. While they’re motivated by what they love, there’s nothing romantic about their approach. Thoughtful thinkers are all business when it comes to careful planning, risk analysis, and testing until everything’s perfect. 

A thoughtful founder’s traits will likely save them from many of the pitfalls faced by new business owners. But they should put down the calculator every once in a while. Avoiding risk altogether means they might miss out on exciting opportunities.

The Enthusiastic Entrepreneur

enthusiastic entrepreneur personality type

Enthusiastic entrepreneurs won't just work on a project, they consider themselves part of their client’s businesses. Whether it's launching something big or tackling the details, these enthusiasts breathe life into everything they do. Deeply entrepreneurial in spirit, they approach everything with a sense of optimism and excitement, living to ask "what could go right" instead of getting paralyzed by "what could go wrong"

While these qualities are magnetic, enthusiastic entrepreneurs can be more effective if they learn how to come down to earth sometimes. There's a fine line between optimism and delusion, and sometimes taking a more grounded approach can help them avoid disaster

  • Enthusiastic entrepreneurs pitch projects big and small, they're ready to roll up their sleeves and dive into projects ranging from developing early brand strategies to monthly retainers.

The Creative Collaborator

creative collaborator personality type

Rebel, rebel, we love them so! Creative collaborators are the life of the party, working a room like they own it. We know they’re not here for small talk: they’re excited, creating new opportunities everywhere they go.

What gives them an advantage in business is their imagination. Creative collaborators will bend the rules and take risks that others may not, and it often pays off. When it doesn’t? Their thrill-seeking spirit is already jumping on to the next big thing. 

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