Getting Paid: Email Template to Tactfully Address Overdue Invoices

template follow up on overdue invoice

As freelancers, one of the most critical aspects of our business is ensuring prompt payment for the services we provide. However, sometimes clients may overlook invoices, causing them to become overdue. Following up on an overdue invoice is a necessary step in collecting payment and maintaining good client relationships.

Bonus Tip: Aside from following up on an overdue invoice via direct email, Wethos offers a convenient way to resend invoices and streamline your invoicing process. Wethos Pro users can easily resend invoices to clients with just a few clicks. Learn more about how this feature can simplify your payment reminder process here.

In this blog post, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to craft an effective email template for following up on an overdue invoice. Learn how to encourage payment while maintaining professionalism and open lines of communication with clients.

What is an Overdue Invoice Follow-Up Email?

An overdue invoice follow-up email is a polite yet firm message sent to clients reminding them of an outstanding invoice that has not been paid by the due date. It serves as a professional way to prompt clients to settle their outstanding balances while maintaining a positive relationship. Common places you may send an overdue invoice follow-up email include email platforms like Gmail, invoicing software such as QuickBooks, or all-in-one business management tools like Wethos.

How to Send a Proposal Email in 6 Steps

1. Greeting and Opening Paragraph

Address the client by name and extend a courteous greeting to set a friendly tone for the email. Use this paragraph to establish the purpose of the email and mention the overdue invoice.

2. State the Invoice Details and Importance

Provide specific information on the invoice number, project name, and amount due. Emphasize the importance of timely payment and highlight any potential consequences of further delay.

3. Payment Method

Reiterate the payment method accepted and encourage the client to settle the invoice promptly.

4. Attach Invoice

Attach a copy of the invoice to the email for the client's reference and convenience. This ensures they have all the necessary information to process the payment.

5. Invitation for Communication

Encourage the client to reach out if they have any questions or issues with the invoice or payment process. This demonstrates your willingness to assist and resolve any concerns promptly.

6. Closing and Contact Information

End the email on a positive note, expressing gratitude for their attention to the matter and reiterating your availability for further assistance.

Email template when following up with a client on an overdue invoice

Subject: Reminder: Invoice # [Invoice Number] for [Project Name] is Overdue

Hello [Client Name],

I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to touch base regarding the recent invoice I sent your way. It appears we haven't received payment yet, and the due date was [Date]

The invoice amount is [Invoice Amount], and the payment method is [Payment Method].

In case the invoice is misplaced, I've attached it here for your convenience. Would you mind arranging payment at your earliest convenience? If you have already made the payment, please disregard this email and accept my apologies. If you have any questions or issues with the invoice or the payment, please let me know as soon as possible.

Thank you,

[Your Name]

Following up on overdue invoices is a crucial aspect of managing your freelance finances effectively. By following these seven steps and using our provided template, you can approach the task with professionalism and courtesy, helping to ensure timely payment while maintaining positive client relationships. Remember, effective communication is key to prompt payment and ensuring the sustainability of your freelance career.

To create professional proposals and invoices, sign up with Wethos now and unlock a new level of control and ease in managing your business. Get started for free today!


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